Make it Easy for Federal Buyers
Once you've hired the full-time sales person, made the direct sales calls, established a relationship with the end user, and sold your product or service, you figure you're done, right? No. Vendors need to make it easy for the end user or contracting officer to choose their product or service. Contracting Officers tend to be over burdened with work and end users sometimes lack knowledge of purchasing rules and procedures. Companies make it easy for procurement officials by already having a pre-approved selling contract such as a GSA Schedule. Once you have a GSA Schedule, you have to help your customer move the deal step-by-step through the procurement process. The amount of help required depends on a buyers workload and experience with the procurement process.
You can't make it easy for your customer if you don't know all of the rules, procedures, and nuances related to your closing vehicle (GSA Schedule or similar multi-vendor contract.) You must know when it is appropriate to help and when it isn't and you can only determine by asking "what can I do for you to get this deal closed".
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