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Fedmarket’s Federal Contracting Wikipedia for Small Businesses
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We believe anyone can succeed in the government marketplace. Doing so takes tenacity and patience, but the benefits are well worth the effort." Richard White, Founder, Fedmarket, speaker and eBook author.
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Delving into federal contracting through an informative series of articles will equip you with the knowledge and insights to explore new business avenues, enhance your competitiveness, and potentially secure valuable contracts. It invests in your business's growth and resilience in a dynamic marketplace.
GSA Schedules - What are GSA Schedules and how do they really work, and the benefits they bring to both the buyer and seller - View Articles
Proposals - From the bid, no bid process on to detailed proposal preparation tips - View Articles
Business Development - A comprehensive look at the government sales process - View Articles
>>> Complimentary eBooks DownloadsRealities of the Government Market
GSA Schedules: The Shortest Path to Federal Dollars
Government Proposal Writing for Newcomers
Small Business Preference Programs: The Good and Not So Good
Rolling the Dice in DC: How the Federal Sales Game is Really Played
Cracking the $500 Billion Federal Market: The Small Business Guide to Federal Sales
Loading the Dice in DC, Legally: Learn the Politics and Realities of Federal Contracting
Government Contracting for Donkeys
>>> Federal Contracting White Papers:
- I Have to Write a Federal Proposal. Help me!
- Small Businesses: Rags to Riches with Federal Contracts
- A GSA Compliance Program - Eliminating Audit Risk
- Closing a Federal Sale
- Competition Among GSA Schedule Holders
- Developing a Trained Federal Sales Team
- Finding Federal End Users Who Buy What You Sell
- GSA Schedules - A Vendors Path to Federal Sales
- Message to CEOs: You Compete Against Yourself in the Federal Market
- Multiple Award Contracts: A Necessity in Today's Market
- Save Big Dollars with Proposal Templates
- Secret to Winning Federal Contracts
- Should We Enter the Federal Market?
- So You Have Decided to Enter the Federal Market, Now What
- Solving the Proposal Dilemma
- Ten Things Every CEO Should Know about Federal Proposal Writing
- Who Makes Procurement Decisions in the Federal Market?
PLUS: Uncle Sam Wants IT Startups and Small IT Companies - Who needs venture capital or owner funding? Download the Whitepaper
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