GSA Compliance Penalties Can Be Costly

GSA recently extracted a $199.5 million settlement from Oracle for violating GSA compliance rules.  If you think only large businesses are being scrutinized and audited, you are dead wrong.

GSA compliance is not difficult, yet many companies are intimidated by the tasks involved in maintaining compliance.   Oracle's recent clawback should send a message to all GSA Schedule holders which is that you can't afford to overlook compliance tasks. It's far too expensive to do so. 

Sticking your head in the sand and hoping the GSA auditors don't come knocking on your door is foolhardy. Fedmarket's GSA eContractManager manages all aspects of GSA contract compliance including:
  • Compliance with restrictions on discounting practices (the biggest risk factor financially)
  • Paying the GSA Industrial Funding Fee (IFF) on time
  • Making best efforts to subcontract according to your small business subcontracting plan (applies to large businesses only)
  • Submitting required reports on time
  • Price increase contract modifications
  • Price file uploads to GSAAdvantage!
  • Option period renewals

The GSA eContractManager provides the user with a succinct understanding of the GSA compliance process and details each of the requirements that collectively make up the whole of "staying in compliance."

Using data culled from the vendor's GSA contract award letter, the GSA eContractManager calculates the company's compliance schedule. It provides the user with critical contract benchmarks and filing dates.  No prior knowledge of GSA Schedules is required to master the GSA eContractManager.  Anyone with a computer and internet access can tackle the administrative end of GSA compliance requirements.

Read more about the GSA eContractManager at

Call 888 661 4094, Ext 2. for a demonstration of the GSA eContractManager.

Visit Fedmarket
For inquiries, call 301 652 9504. Press 2.


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