Evaporate GSA Audit Fear

The recent news that the Oracle Corporation had to return $ 200 million to the federal government because of Price Reduction Clause (PRC) violations caught the attention of many CEOs offering commercial software through a GSA Schedule.

Fear of a GSA audit is common among GSA Schedule contract holders. In most cases audit fear is fear of the unknown because schedule holders do not understand GSA Schedule compliance requirements. Many companies sell millions through their GSA contract yet do not understand PRC compliance requirements.

GSA Schedule contract compliance is not that complicated. A person experienced in federal contract compliance needs to pick apart the contract documents and develop a compliance list with corresponding schedules and procedures.

Fedmarket's GSA eContractManager manages all aspects of GSA contract compliance including:

  • Compliance with restrictions on discounting practices (the biggest risk factor financially)
  • Paying the GSA Industrial Funding Fee (IFF) on time
  • Compliance with a wide range of red tape requirements like contract reports.

A calendar reminder module schedules compliance tasks by required date. Each required task includes step-by-step procedures in an online business process.

An email alert message with links to the required task procedure is sent to two individuals designated by your company (the GSA Compliance Officer and an Alternate Compliance Officer person for backup).

Avoid costly penalty fees, keep your GSA Schedule contract in compliance with the GSA eContract Manager.

Call Richard White for a complimentary session on GSA pricing strategy.
Phone: 301.908.0546

GSA Schedule Contract Modification Services - Call 888 661 4094, Ext. 2 for quote

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For more information or to register by phone, call 301 652 9406 and press 2 to speak to a Fedmarket representative.

Visit www.fedmarket.com
888-661-4094, Ext 2.

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