GSA Schedules - The IDIQ for Small Businesses

The benefits of having a GSA Schedule contract just increased for small businesses.  A new federal regulation has made GSA schedules even more ideal for small businesses. The new regulation authorizes small business set-asides for orders placed under GSA schedules. As aforementioned in prior articles, Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts have become the purchasing vehicle of choice for the federal government. GSA Schedules are one type of an IDIQ contract and they are the only IDIQ contracts that are always open for bid. Other IDIQs open and close for a set bidding period and then the winners are the only vendors that can compete for business under the IDIQ. Not the case with a GSA Schedule. The "always open for a bid" feature of IDIQs and the fact that the cost associated with obtaining a Schedule contract is relatively small in comparison with other IDIQs is why we continually stress that GSA schedules are the vehicle of choice for small businesses.

Obtaining a GSA schedule contract doesn't have to be difficult, time consuming or expensive. Priced especially for the small business owner, at $3,900, Fedmarket's 3-Day GSA eLab enables anyone to complete a compliant, professional proposal ready for submission to GSA. Read more...

What is the GSA eLab?

A 3-day event where you, with hands-on assistance from Fedmarket's GSA experts, complete your GSA Schedule proposal.  Read more...

But I am not a proposal writer!

Registrants do not need to possess a previous knowledge of GSA Schedules.  Prior to your arrival, we will outline the material you will need to collect and bring to the eLab.  While at the eLab, and with the assistance of our templates and our experts, you will transfer your data into the proposal document. It is not uncommon for those who are very well prepared to leave the eLab in 2 days or less.

Fedmarket offers a range of full-day seminars covering topics such as GSA Schedules, federal sales and proposal development. View Fedmarket's seminar calendar for upcoming dates and locations.  Many of the seminars are broadcast live over the web as Netcasts.

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