Getting By the Gatekeeper
Does your sales force keep coming back to you empty-handed and whining that the federal bureaucracy is impenetrable?
FedBuying Intelligence will stop that conversation dead in its tracks.
Accessing federal buyer contact data is by design a difficult process. The data is hidden in federal purchasing databases because federal buyers like to keep incoming sales calls down to a minimum. Yet this is the most valuable data a vendor can gather; direct contact information for a buyer who buys what you sell.
Ready to take advantage of the government's 4th quarter? Buy FedBuying Intelligence now!
Fedmarket extracts buyer contact information from federal purchasing databases using advanced search technologies. FedBuying Intelligence provides subscribers with both contact information and the solicitation document.
Fedmarket reverse engineers federal procurement databases to show subscribers the following:
- contracting office
- buyer name
- phone
- e-mail address
- mailing address
- specifics of the purchase (who, what, when and where, and for how much.)
Need more information? Contact me, or call us at 888 661 4094, Ext.2.
888-661-4094, Ext 2.
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