OASIS Final RFP Model Proposal

The final GSA OASIS (One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services) large and small RFPs have arrived at FBO.gov.  Once a company has determined that it qualifies for a large or small business award responses to the RFP are essentially a forms completion effort .

Fedmarket offers OASIS model proposals for both the large and small business RFPs. Our models save time in completing an extensive forms completion exercise and are designed to ensure compliance to the RFPs.

Your OASIS proposal will stand out from the pack - start with a template specially designed by Fedmarket's proposal team to address the OASIS solicitation requirements. Companies using the model proposal refine and modify Word templates with specific company information; resulting in a completed proposal within solicitation page limits.

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About OASIS: For years the federal government has tried to separate consulting from information technology in its multiple award procurement contracts. Finally OASIS has appeared on the horizon of the somewhat parched federal market.

OASIS is a 10-year contract in the $12 billion range and include a track for small business participation.

Professional services companies beware! You cannot afford to be shut out of a $12 billion market over 10 years. A major portion of the "new project" professional services/information technology market will be absorbed within OASIS; particularly new solution-based projects to deal with federal budget problems, fraud, abuse, and cost reductions.

OASIS is a Government-wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) or similar multiple-agency, multiple-award contract rather than a new GSA schedule. Unlike GSA schedules, the new contract will have a set bidding period rather than be always open for a bid.

The contract includes management and information technology services, logistics, professional engineering services, and financial advice and services.

Fedmarket's OASIS Model Proposal includes specially tailored sections on:

  • Uncompensated Overtime Policy
  • Professional Employee Compensation Plan
  • Responsibility Determination
  • Relevant Experience,
  • Past Performance
  • Systems, Certifications, and Resources
  • Accounting System and Cost Accounting Standards
  • CMMI Maturity Level
  • Earned Value Management Systems (EVMS)
  • Facility Clearance Level (FC),
  • Key Personnel
  • Cost and Price

Small Business Subcontracting Plan: The large business model includes Excel spreadsheets which automatically calculate 10 year subcontracting projections for the types of small business included in the plan.

RFP Attachements: RFP Attachments are a tangle of red tape questions. Out templates will include detailed instructions for completing required Attachments.

Why Purchase Model Text? Writing and editing one page of proposal text can take five hours or more. Using five hours as a rough guide, a typical GWAC proposal proposal can require 200 man hours or more and and cost $20,000 (assuming a professional writer bills at $100.00 per hour). By using templates, a business can realize savings of 30 - 60% off that estimate.

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Call 888-661-4094, Ext.2 to learn more.

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