GSA or Stay Away
We have repeatedly stated that small- to medium- sized businesses must have a GSA Schedule (pre-approved price list) to sell in the federal market. It is critical that your company either get on the GSA Schedule or stay away from the market.
Reasons a GSA Schedule contract is needed:
- They are the preferred source, by regulation, for federal purchases.
- Contracting officers, federal purchasers and vendors find them very quick and easy to use.
- A Schedule contract is the only way to close a purchase transaction of more than $25,000 (other than the lengthy and expensive public bid process or participating as a subcontractor to a prime contractor).
- Vendors are finding that contracting officers are requesting that they obtain a Schedule contract to do business with their office.
- The use of Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contracts (which contain pre-approved price lists) is becoming increasingly more popular. As a practical matter, MAS contracts - other than those under the GSA Schedule program - are available only for large businesses. At present, none of the MAS contracts have small-business set asides (with the exception of GSA Schedules).
Note that it can take between 3 - 6 months to get an award of a GSA Schedule contract. We therefore recommend that you start now before you spend too much direct sales money and end up without a way to close your sale.
Fedmarket's 3-Day GSA eLab gives you the opportunity to complete your GSA proposal and gain a thorough understanding of the GSA Schedules program including:
- GSA contract administration
- Critical pricing strategies
- Negotiation strategies
- Discounting polices and the Price Reduction Clause.
- Developing a federal GSA sales plan
- The actual preparation of your entire GSA Schedule offer, including your pricing, administrative and technical volumes (if applicable).
By participating in the GSA eLab, you will walk away with more than a completed proposal. You will have the confidence to negotiate your proposal with GSA and will have invaluable contract administration skills. It doesn't get any better than that.
Questions? Call 888 661 4094, Ext. 2 for more information.
For more about the specifics of the 3-Day GSA eLab - Click Here
If you would like to speak to past attendees, visit our testimonial page. Many testimonials include contact data - Click Here
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For inquiries, call 888 661 4094. Press 2.
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