QIO Proposal Management System and Services

Fedmarket is providing proposal writing services to several QIOs for responding to the CMS Quality Innovation Networks - Quality Improvement Organizations Solicitation. The recent Q & A's from CMS helped clarify some solicitation ambiguities but not all, and CMS did not amend the solicitation requirements. Our experience with similar proposals indicates the following:

  1. In spite of the unanswered questions QIOs should continue their proposal writing efforts based on the current solicitation because the requirements shown in the solicitation are the official CMS requirements until CMS publishes an amendment with an updated solicitation document.
  2. Although not guaranteed, an extension of the due date of February 14 for proposals is highly likely.
  3. The solicitation is exceptionally complex. As currently published several hundred sections are required to respond to the solicitation. The number of sections required depends on the number of states in your offer to CMS and the type of organization (prime contractor, prime/subcontractor relationship, joint venture).
  4. QIOs may not fully understand the subjective nature of federal proposal evaluation when a solicitation is based on best value considerations.
  5. QIOS should base their proposals solely on Sections L & M of the solicitation document as it is currently published at FBO.gov.

Fedmarket has developed an online QIO Proposal Management System (PMS) to assist in QIOs in scheduling and managing multi-section writing tasks by writer. The PMS is being provided to QIOs that Fedmarket is working with under a proposal writing contract.

We are offering the management system and related services to QIOs we are not working with for a fixed price of $1,200. The package includes the following:

  1. Online access to a QIO Proposal Management System.
  2. A one-hour webinar by Richard White about QIO proposal writing after CMS publishes the next QIO amendment and following any subsequent amendments. The webinars will include the opportunity for QIOs to ask questions.
  3. Complimentary telephone access to Richard White concerning any aspect of CMS contracting and/or proposal writing (including Task Order proposal responses required by CMS after contracts are awarded). This service would include both QIO contract and task order pricing and indirect rate development and other RFPs issued by CMS.
  4. Additional one-hour webinars about CMS contracting and proposal writing if confusion persists after the final amendment.

Contact Richard White if you have questions about our QIO service package and for references concerning Fedmarket's services for our existing QIO customers. QIOs interested in purchasing the service package should contact Shelly Gluck at 888-661-4094, Ext. 5811.

Richard White

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