Successfully price your government proposals

Responding to a Government RFP requires a significant amount of time and resources.  Even if your company has the best solution for the Government, simple mistakes in pricing a proposal can cost your company the win.  Your company could win the contract, but find after award that it is losing money because of mistakes made in the pricing response. Becoming an expert at responding to Government procurements takes many years.  However, this course can give you the foundation to reduce the learning curve dramatically.

Basic Price Proposal Workshop
Date: February 4, 2015
Time: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Location: Bethesda, MD or in Webinar format at your desktop

The course follows a typical proposal from the moment the government puts out a Request for Proposal (RFP) to submission, and proceeds to discuss some additional topics after submission. At the completion of the course, participants will gain an understanding of the pricing process and the fundamental skills required to successfully price government proposals. Participants can expect to learn not only the basic procedures, but also some of the common pitfalls encountered during pricing of contracts.
View course outline

>>Also see:
Intermediate Cost Proposal Workshop - February 4 & 5, 2015 in Bethesda, MD.
Advanced Cost Price Proposal Strategies  - February 17, 2015 in Las Vegas, NV

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