8(a) STARS GSA Releases 24 Page Q and A
On June 2 the government released a 24 page Q & A. If you are Fedmarket full-service 8(a) STARS II client you have received a detailed summation of the 24 page document, along with advice on how to best proceed with your response. The Q & A followed an amendment and we anticipate similar updates to follow prior to the due date of July 2.
Put your proposal in the hands of experts, don't risk losing out on a contract with a $10 Billion ceiling. It's not too late to outsource your proposal to Fedmarket.
GSA will not answer your questions, Fedmarket's proposal team will.
Fedmarket 8(a) STARS II Full Service Proposal Writing Service>> Buy now
8(a) STARS II Full-Service is price at $3600.
Fedmarket also offer a proposal model for the 8(a) STARS II solicitation, read more.
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