Outsource Your STARS II Proposal

Don't sweat the upcoming deadline. Put your proposal in the hands of experts. It's not too late to outsource your proposal to Fedmarket.

>> GSA will not answer your questions, Fedmarket's proposal team will. 

Fedmarket is offering a 8(a) STARS II Model Proposal, and a  8(a) STARS II Full Service Proposal Writing Service.

>> Buy Now
8(a) STARS II Model Proposal - $1800
8(a) STARS II Full-Service - $3600

You may upgrade to full-service, the purchase price of the proposal model will be credited in full toward the full-service purchase price.

Fedmarket's 8(a) STARS II Model Proposal will help companies save substantial sums of proposal writing dollars and focus on pricing, the critical aspect of the 8(a) STARS procurement. Our 8(a) STARS II Model Proposal includes a fully complaint proposal outline and model text that will assist companies in preparing their STARS proposal.

Our model proposal can be the difference between winning and losing under the tight response deadlines imposed by GSA.  The 8(a) STARS II Model Proposal is provided in Microsoft Word format, and designed to be refined and modified by companies submitting a proposal in response to the 8(a) STARS II procurement. Customers using the product may add company-specific information text to the model proposal to create a proposal specific to each company's qualifications and experience.

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