Form a JV or CTA to Bid on VETS 2

VETS 2 Final RFP was released on April 21, 2016. The final RFP did not relax the 500k project size requirements included in the draft but they did relax:

  • Number of projects is now up to 10, not 5-10 as in draft RFP
  • The requirement that a JV or CTA must have existed and performed projects as a JV or CTA has been removed.

This allows companies interested in pursing VETS 2 to form a JV or CTAs to bid.

Fedmarket Offers:

  • Full-Service Proposal Writing for VETS 2 -  Read more.
  • Model Proposal for VETS 2  - Read more
  • A complimentary VETS 2 Joint Venture Matching Service - Read more

VETS 2 businesses will use the matching service to develop Joint Ventures as follows.

  • Participants will submit a Project Experience Form for each of the company's qualifying, single projects. Project Experience Forms will include detailed instructions based on Draft RFP project experience requirements and can be used as part of a Joint Venture proposal.
  • The set of Project Experience Forms from a participant will show the company name, contact information for the company's VETS 2 Coordinator, and RFP data element requirements. Participants will be divulging their project experience and contact information only to other VETS 2 participants.
  • Fedmarket will compile a listing of all participants forms in Excel and provide access to the compilation to all participants.
  • Participants forming Joint Ventures may ask that their forms be deleted from the listing. Fedmarket will keep all Forms strictly confidential and will not use the information for any purpose other than assisting VETS 2 participants..
  • Fedmarket will delete all forms after the VETS 2 proposal due date.

Companies may be reluctant to show their project experience to others. Project experience is the most valuable asset that a small business can show the government to win federal IT contracts. The government is now demanding contract documents and information for contracting officials to verify the size, scope, and performance of IT projects. Accordingly, project experience is unique to you and cannot be used by others If you have the required proof of project value. And it may be advantageous to publish your experience to others for future joint bids.

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