Alliant 2 SB Teaming Requirements

Alliant 2 Small Business Teaming Requirements Are Likely to Be Relaxed Significantly

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) requires agencies to evaluate the past performance and qualifications of team members and JV partners during the solicitation process. The GSA VETS 2 GWAC draft RFP had "small business unfriendly" teaming requirements and the requirements were relaxed in the final VETS 2 RFP.

GSA changed the teaming requirements in the final RFP for VETS 2. The new requirements allowed:

  • Small businesses to form new joint ventures
  • Bidders to count the experience of subcontractors if they are using a Contract Teaming Agreement (CTA).
  • Small businesses to submit a proposal as a prime contractor and join another team as a subcontractor.

A company would now be able to form a JV or a CTA with a company or companies with complementary points that would increase the odds of selection. Most bidding partners will likely contribute relevant experience or leading edge technology points, not accounting, certification, or clearance points.

The impact of the change in teaming requirements will be significant. Companies will have to carefully consider how to form the right team to increase their chances of winning.

Companies should act now because team formation takes time and the Alliant 2 RFP is complex in its experience requirements and scoring scheme.

Fedmarket specializes in assisting companies in writing proposals for GWACs. We have helped small businesses win OASIS, STARS, and VETS awards.

Our Alliant 2 Small Business Services are:

  • A draft Alliant 2 Model Proposal that allows companies to start now on their teaming arrangements and proposal development.  The model includes: Teaming guidance, and model JV and CTA agreements; both compliant with RFP requirements.
  • A guarantee to change the draft proposal and teaming agreement models to incorporate any changes in the final Alliant 2 RFP.
  • Alliant 2 Model proposal and Full-Service Proposal Writing (purchases made prior to release of FINAL RFP will be updated at no extra cost.)
  • A complimentary Quick Alliant 2 Eligibility Tool.
  • A complimentary copy of Vets 2 Teaming Requirements.
  • Complimentary expert advice of any aspect of bidding Alliant 2.

GSA's Latest Update on the issuance of Alliant 2 Final RFP

The timing of the official A2/A2SB RFPs' release date is now anticipated for the second half of June 2016. GSA plans RFP postings in the general period of time as originally forecasted. Two (2) separate FBO pre-solicitation announcements will be posted on Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) on or about the same day, at least 15 calendar days prior to the RFPs' release date.

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