Fedmarket: Simplifying Government Contracting
Newcomers to the federal marketplace are frequently stunned by the red tape requirements associated with getting started in federal contracting. Let us lay it out for you in easily digested pieces.
There are some basic requirements anyone who wants to sell products or services to the federal government has to do:
How to Complete Red Tape for New Comers - A free guide compliments of Fedmarket (download link below)
- Obtain a DUNS Number
- Register at the System for Award Management (SAM) website
- Complete the Representations and Certifications requirements
- File a Vets 100 Report
Then, depending on the specific solicitation or Request for Proposal, you may need to submit: - Past Performance Evaluation Report (D & B Open Ratings Report)
To determine whether your company qualifies for a small business set aside or preference program, you need to first: - Determine whether Your Company is a Large or Small Business
- Qualify for Small Business Preference Programs
- Ascertain how much Contract Revenue Must Go to the Small Business under a Set-aside
Download your complimentary copy here.
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