GSA Schedules, Why Use Fedmarket?

Why should your company use Fedmarket for the preparation of its GSA Schedule proposal?

Volume and knowledge - Fedmarket offers our clients 6 different options for completing a GSA Schedule offer. In fact, our experienced and professional staff completes, on average, at least 45 GSA Schedule proposals per month. Richard White, President of Fedmarket, created the GSA Proposal Preparation eLabPlus and the Virtual GSA eLab based on his extensive knowledge of GSA Schedules and his experience in working with GSA contracting officers.

In praise of our services, one of our customers passed along the following comment, "The staff at the GSA office that reviews and negotiates the proposals holds you and the professionals at Fedmarket in high regard. My GSA Contracting Officer was very complimentary about your company and the quality of service that you provide to your customers." 

Fedmarket's GSA staff has vast experience in negotiating with GSA and we currently conduct bi-weekly instruction to clients on the topic. Fedmarket is committed to assisting our clients in obtaining the best price for their offerings, and because of our familiarity with the FAR and the General Services Administration's Manual (GSAM), we are prepared to stick to our guns, and fight the fight.

In addition to a weekly newsletter on GSA Schedules, Mr. White published his 2007 tome "GSA Schedules: The Shortest Path to Federal Contracting Dollars."  You may download a complimentary copy here.

Fedmarket offers a GSA solution for every budget.

Select your GSA Proposal Preparation Solution:

GSA Proposal eLabPlus. A workshop to complete your GSA proposal in as few as 3 days. More...

GSA eLabPlus Dates and Locations:
  • November 16 - 18, 2010 in San Diego, CA
  • December 7 - 9, 2010 in Bethesda, MD
  • January 4 - 6, 2010 in Bethesda, MD
  • January 18 - 20, 2011 in Las Vegas, NV

    Regional GSA Proposal eLabPlus

    Regional GSA eLabPlus Dates and Locations:

  • December 7 - 9, 2010 in Avon, CT
  • January 4 - 6, 2011 in Avon, CT

    GSA Proposal eLabPlus at Home

  • You select the date and the location!

    GSA Proposal Full Service. Fedmarket writes and negotiates your GSA proposal for you. A comprehensive solution. More...

    GSA Proposal Assistance. Fedmarket writes your proposal and your staff handles the filing and negotiation of the proposal with GSA. More ...

    GSA Proposal Virtual eLab. Fedmarket's experts, through the use of the scheduling of virtual teleconferences, assist in the preparation of your Schedule proposal. More...

    Need more information? Contact me.

    For more information call 301 652 9504 and press 2 to speak to a Fedmarket representative.

    Visit Fedmarket
    For inquiries, call 301 652 9504, Ext. 2

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