WOSB Federal Sales Opportunity

This is your opportunity to place your WOSB in front of over 48,000 federal contracting officers.

As a special offer, Fedmarket is offering our WOSB Sales program, free of charge, to our customers who purchased the WOSB eCertify Wizard or attended the WOSB eCertify Workshop.

To join the WOSB sales program simply log in to the WOSB eCertify Wizard website at http://wosb.fedmarket.com/login/ and complete the WOSB Questionnaire.  Use your Fedmarket account email address and password to log in. (The log in credentials were assigned to you when you purchased the eCertify Wizard or WOSB Workshop.)

  1. Complete a capabilities questionnaire (the WOSB Questionnaire) for their company.
  2. The data gleaned from the questionnaire will be entered into an online database and an access link to the database will (with search instructions) will be sent monthly by e-mail to more than 48,000 federal contracting officers.
  3. Contracting officers will access the database by NAICS code or keyword to find companies for WOSB contract awards.
  4. The first mailing to contracting officers will be sent before February 4, 2011, the implementation date of the new WOSB program.

In order for contracting officers to award you business, they must first know you are a certified WOSB.  Certified WOSBs should get out front now with their sales efforts and tell contracting officers that they are certified and are seeking business.

If you need assistance accessing the WOSB Questionnaire please call Shelly Gluck at 888-661-4094, Ext. 114.

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For inquiries, call 301 652 9504. Press 2.

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