Federal Opportunities Database for Facilities

Fedmarket has consolidated federal sales opportunities for design, build, energy, and maintenance companies in a single easy to use database called Federal Opportunities Database - Facilities.

Let us do the research for your sales force. We thoroughly comb through federal business opportunities and awards over $25K related to design, build, energy, and maintenance. The database is updated daily and all modifications are tracked as they are posted.

  • You select your areas of interest and track only the opportunities and awards that fall under your scope of work.
  • You can track opportunities and awards by geographic area.
  • You can create a "watch list" of opportunities of interest.
  • You can select to receive daily updates via e-mail.
  • You can access the database from any computer. All you need is your user name and password.

To learn more, call 888 661 4094, Ext.2.  Ask your sales person for a free preview of Fedmarket's Federal Opportunities Database - Facilities.

Federal Opportunities Database - Facilities is a centralized, online database that can be used by all at your company to view federal sales opportunities. The database is updated on a daily basis. Searching through government posted opportunities and awards is an art, not a science, and inexperienced people (or people without sufficient time) can miss sales opportunities. Federal Opportunities Database - Facilities can:

  • Help your sales staff see a complete, daily picture of the federal facilities market
  • Be used as a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool
  • Be used as an invaluable sales tool for equipment, tool, and building material companies (in addition to the previously-mentioned facilties maintenance firms).

Visit Fedmarket
For inquiries, call 301 652 9504. Press 2.

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