Boost Your Oral Presentation Scores

This half-day seminar will make a significant difference in your next oral presentation to the government. 

Orals: Eliminate the Pitfalls that Lower Your Score
Date: Thursday, April 14, 2011
Location: Bethesda, MD or Live at your desktop
>> Register for this class

Questions? Call 888 661 4094, Ext. 2.

This seminar takes a head-on, hard-hitting look at the mistaken beliefs and actions that negatively impact upon the development and delivery of your oral presentations to the government. In spite of extensive training and the use of proven, systematic approaches, too many companies fail to reach their potential  because unrecognized human factors interfere with an effective use of proven techniques.

Proven proposal processes work when the human factors of each person involved are recognized and accounted for. If you have the basics of preparing oral presentations under your belt and yet your team is underachieving, this seminar is for you. You will learn how to improve the likelihood of achieving high-scoring orals from Susan Trivers, an expert speaking coach.  Susan has years of succesful experience in helping members of small, mid-sized and large firms improve their speaking and communication skills. 

You'll learn to prepare for the myths and pitfalls that lower your orals score and you'll learn how to explain them to your orals teams, including executives and others who have bottom-line responsibility for the procurement. You will learn to create a compelling case for investing in the critical factors, including the 4 must haves and the 13 key ingredients. Examples from many orals will make it clear how the investment in critical factors has a strong correlation to the eventual score on the orals. By the conclusion of the course, your team will be enlightened and will have upgraded their speaking skills to the extent that they are prepared to tackle the challenges of today's business. 

Fedmarket offers a range of full-day seminars covering topics such as GSA Schedules, federal sales and proposal development.
View the Fedmarket seminar calendar for upcoming dates and locations.
Many of the seminars are broadcast live over the web as Netcasts.

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For inquiries, call 301 652 9504. Press 2.

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