Contact Buyers Directly and Make a Sale

Fedmarket's E-mail List of Federal Buyers can bring your company's product or service to the attention of more than 62,000 buyers through the use of an e-mail marketing campaign.

Fedmarket's E-mail List of Federal Buyers contains:

  • Over 62,000 buyer e-mail addresses
  • Data presented as text files for easy import into any sales database
  • 37,928 Department of Defense (DoD) buyer e-mail addresses
  • 24,503 federal civilian buyer e-mail addresses
  • Buyer e-mail addresses only (1 field)

Call 888 661 4094, Ext. 2 to learn more about Fedmarket's E-mail List of Federal Buyers.

Why Contact Buyers?

  • They have a broad understanding of what the agency buys.
  • They make the buying decisions for commodities, non-technical products, and routine services.
  • Buyers can tell you who the end users are for complex product and services.
  • Though they may not USE the items you are selling, buyers can certainly influence the ultimate decision on which technical or complex products are purchased.
  • Buyers can provide data on past awards such as who has provided what product or service in the past, the price paid and other contract details.
  • They have knowledge of the agency's planned future procurements.

If you're serious about selling to the government, start contacting official buyers today!

To find out more about the many ways you can market to the government, click here.

Visit Fedmarket
For inquiries, call 888 661 4094. Press 2.

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