Do You Really Need a GSA Schedule?
Does your firm really need a GSA Schedule to do business with the government? No, it doesn't. You can pursue government business through the public bid process or as a sub-contractor, if you have an in with prime contractors.
A public bid will (i) require your company to write an expensive proposal, (ii) expose your business to competition from others interested in the project, and (iii) force you to wait an average of two hundred days or more for an award decision to be made.
As a sub-contractor you are under the thumb of the prime contractor. The prime contractor will try to reduce your profits so it can take a profit on the subcontract. The prime will also try to minimize your exposure to the customer -- the person to whom you sold in the first place -- as you would if you were in the prime's shoes.
Neither of these two options is ideal. A GSA Schedule contract would allow you to close the deal in a matter of weeks, as opposed to months, and competition for the project would be reduced significantly. In short, a GSA Schedule contract is the best multi-vendor contract for a small to medium-sized company.
The moral of this story is that your company should work towards getting on Schedule so it has a closing mechanism and it's never too soon to begin the GSA Schedule application and approval process.
Do you need more information before you invest in a GSA schedule proposal?
Immerse yourself in the key components of GSA schedules for 60 minutes and walk away with an understanding of how they are awarded, administered and managed. Learn how and why a GSA Schedule can effect how you do business with federal, state and local governments.
Webinar: GSA Schedules 101: Demystifying GSA Schedules
Cost: Free
Date: March 6, 2015
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (EST)
Register now
Ready to begin work on your GSA schedule proposal? We can help:
GSA eLab
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GSA Proposal Preparation Assistance
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