Boost Your Revenue with Federal Contracts

The Washington DC media focuses on the flat federal market and has little to say about the up sides of the market. The market is still over $ 500 billion annually and that's because the huge bureaucracy (thousands of facilities and millions of people) incapable of operating without contracts. Small to medium sized companies still have a stream of opportunities, including:

  • Facility support contracts of an type including construction, maintenance, engineering, etc.
  • Any consulting or financial service that involves cost saving, risk analysis, funds control and distribution, financial audits, and recovery audits.
  • Small scale information technology services ranging from $ 100,000 to $ 10 million. Yes, that's small in the federal IT world.
  • Health programs including insurance, records management, cost control, etc

The market has always been difficult to enter even in the best of times. Failure to sell in up or down markets inevitably boils down to sales execution (finding who buys what you sell and calling them).

Call our GSA specialists at 888.661.4094 to determine which GSA schedule would work for your company.

Richard White
301 908 0546 (cell)

Visit Fedmarket
For inquiries, call 888 661 4094. Press 2.

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