Everyone Comes in First in an IDIQ Award
Most IDIQ contacts have from 3 to 10 awardees; some of the information technology super IDIQs can have as many as 70 or 80. GSA Schedules have thousands of contract holders. All finish first when IDIQ contract award winners are announced. Everyone gets to play and the pecking order of which vendor gets the revenue has a direct correlation to the level of the particular contractor's sales efforts and whether that contractor had a pre-existing relationship with that agency. Bottom line -- there are no seconds in the IDIQ game. You are first if you are on the list of awardees, at least until the real sales game of competing for orders begins. The eventual winners are those who devote resources and time to direct sales efforts and those which have worked incessantly to develop and maintain a relationship with the government customer.
Learn more about IDIQ contracts and how they change the rules in Loading the Dice in DC, Legally: Learn the Politics and Realities of Federal Contracting by Fedmarket founder and President, Richard White. Download your complimentary copy (click here).
Richard White
301-908-0546 (cell)
For inquiries, call 888 661 4094. Press 2.
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