Federal Procurement is Getting Messier by the Day
The federal procurement system is going south fast. Contracting offices are understaffed and experienced contracting officers are defecting to the private sector. The foregoing situation has brought an already slow process to a virtual grinding halt. The Obama administration realizes that problems exist and is attempting to solve the issue with improved training, additional hiring, and by providing contractor assistance. However, any steps the administration takes will be long range so don't look for quick fixes.
What does this mean for federal sales?
The Management Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS) GSA Schedule, and SIN 874-6 (Acquisition Management Support), is an ideal mechanism to win contracting office assistance work. Indefinite Duration Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts will gradually become the predominant mechanism for federal purchasing; they are already widely used and the public is likely to see a dramatic increase in their use in the near future. GSA Schedule contracts will be used by procurement officials even more than they are now, particularly in the arena of professional services. In fact, we predict that IDIQs will be the primary way government buyers purchase IT products and services (e.g., the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Eagle II IT contract and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) CIO-SP3 Government wide Acquisition Contracts).
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