Federal Sales and Self Interest, the Contracting Officer
The previous installment discussed the motivation of end users in the federal purchasing process. This installment looks at the motivation of contracting officers. Contracting officers are dedicated in their responsibility to follow federal purchasing rules. The rules allow less than full and open competition depending on the size of the purchase and the need for speed and efficiency in making a buy.
Responsibilities of Contracting Officers
- Legal responsibility for a contract (signs contract)
- Ensuring that requirements for competitive bids have been met
- Monitoring contract performance
Primary Motivation
- Successfully accomplishing work tasks and being rewarded with raises and promotions
- Ensuring that all rules and regulations have been followed
- Maintaining a contract file that shows maximum possible competition took place
Not Motivated To:
- Contract with a vendor which was selected in violation of the rules
The sales message to contracting officers should be: "Our company has a
multi-vendor contract which will assist us in doing business with you under
federal procurement rules. We were selected for this contract using competitive
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