Federal Sales and Self Interest, the Federal End User

The next four installments discuss how self interest impacts people involved in the federal buying process. Buyers in the commercial and federal sectors behave in the same manner. Most buyers will choose the path of least resistance and then run to get to their kids' soccer games on time. Federal buyers view obtaining the best value for the taxpayer as a noble objective but hold doing the best to maximize their raises and performance evaluations on an even higher plane.

Experienced sales people selling in the federal market know that the roles people play and their motivations profoundly affect buying decisions. Most people are motivated by self-interest; that's not necessarily a good or bad thing, it's just a fact. The desire to do a good job, to avoid failure, and to save money on behalf of the taxpayer benefits us all. Having a clear picture of the various roles of the people in the federal sales game may help you better target your sales approach.

The end user is the most import person in making buying decisions for complex products and solutions.

Responsibilities of Federal End Users

  • Performing a job for the taxpayer in the most efficient, cost-effective manner possible
  • Monitoring contractor performance

Primary Motivation

  • Successfully accomplishing work tasks and being rewarded with raises and promotions
  • Avoiding risk, ensuring that buying decisions produce the desired outcome

Not Motivated To:

  • Select an unknown vendor or one who represents a potential risk

The sales message to federal end users should be: "How can we meet your needs with the least risk and improve your job performance."

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