Federal Sales and Self Interest, the Small Business Specialist (Advocate)

The previous installment discussed the motivation of contracting officers in the federal purchasing process. This installment looks at the motivation of small business specialists (advocates).

Small business specialists want to help small businesses but it is difficult for them to do so. Small business specialists and contracting officers try to avoid giving out the names of end users because of the high number of sales calls they will receive if identified. Thus, small business specialists try to promote the use of small businesses in general and tend not to favor individual companies.

Responsibilities of Small Business Specialists

  • Advocating the use of small businesses

Primary Motivation

  • Promoting the use of small businesses as a policy

Not Motivated To:

  • Help a particular small business win a contract

The message here is to let small business specialists know that you understand their dilemma. They will help if they can.

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