Fill Up Your Response Documents to the RFP Page Limit?
A customer of Fedmarket called recently and said: "You helped us write a compliant section of proposal content but the result is only 13 pages, less than the 20 page limit specified in the RFP for the section. We need to create 7 more pages, right"?
Wrong! The less pages the better presuming that the content meets each and every requirement specified in the RFP for the section of the proposal. Just make sure that each requirement is discussed fully and try to be innovative. Proposal writing may be dry but it is creative in the sense of words you craft about how you are going to meet a requirement. It is not about word count; frequently fewer words are better.
What if you were reading your RFP, would you want to read 7 pages of fluff included to fill up a section to the page limit? Proposal evaluators are just like you; they to learn about your solution in the quickest way possible.
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