Forming a Team
So, when should you form a team? Form a team when procurements call for solutions that you can't meet all by yourself. A warehousing contract, for example, might require bar code equipment, software programming, logistics consulting, and a labor force hired to operate forklifts and pack boxes. Few, if any companies acting alone could meet all the requirements under such a contract.
With the right teaming arrangement, you can go after complex projects that would otherwise be beyond your capabilities. Take, for example, a large IT project requiring multiple types of products and expertise. A contractor with a GSA Schedule for integration services might form a joint venture with other Schedule holders who supply computer hardware, software, network operations, and maintenance services.
A teaming agreement should be drafted carefully, with due consideration given to such issues as proprietary information, the roles and responsibilities of each party, and contract duration. The firm designated as prime contractor would supervise the project, submit invoices, receive payment, manage the payroll, and assume overall responsibility for contract administration. In deciding which firm is the prime, team members should consider, among other things, which one is in the best position to generate government business for future projects.
GSA regulations state that an ordering agency's Request For Quotation requires vendors to specifically identify their teaming arrangements, designating "all team members, their corresponding GSA Schedule contract numbers, and describe the tasks to be performed by each team member, along with the associated proposed prices (e.g., unit prices, labor categories, and rates). If applicable, the team leader should also be identified."
Bottom line: Think Big. If you're on the Schedule but missing out on lucrative, complex opportunities, look around for the right teaming partners, so you can play with the big boys and girls.
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