GSA Schedules: Fast Way for Contracting Officers to Reprocure

Contracting offices are short of staff and re-procurements (continuation of a contract without interruption of services) are staff intensive with long lead times. Increasingly, contracting officers turn to existing Multiple Award Contracts (MACS) rather than use the same procurement type (sometimes called a vehicle or a method) used for the existing contract. Why? Because they require less staff and the award can be made quicker. The switch of re-procurement types is usually from a public bid for the incumbent contract to a GSA schedule for the continuation contract - but not always.

In many cases the incumbent contractor in not notified of the new procurement type with sufficient time to obtain the required MAC contract, usually a GSA schedule contract.

GSA schedules are the preferred MAC for re-procurements for many reasons:

  1. Most active MACS are closed for new offers while GSA schedules are always open for an offer. Thus, the incumbent contractor probably does not have an award under a MAC that the contracting office could use and can't make an offer for an award because the MAC is closed.
  2. GSA schedules cover most commercial services and products while other MACS are service/product specific.
  3. GSA will accelerate the evaluation of a GSA schedule offer at an agency's request.
  4. GSA schedule Request for Quotes require small and easier to evaluate proposals.
  5. GSA orders (RFQ awards) can be made in weeks rather than months (or years).

Incumbent contractors should be vigilant about how re-procurements are going to be made and not get caught in the trap of having 30 - 60 days to obtain a GSA schedule contract. But contracting offices may be so overloaded that they may not select the re-procurement type until late and create intense pressure on the incumbent contractor to scramble and have a chance to bid on the re-solicitation. Of course, if you hold the MAC of choice for re-procurement the problem goes away.

Contracting opportunities have been lost because of late notifications of re-procurement types. Consider making an offer for a GSA schedule if you hold a contract that could be converted to a GSA schedule.

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