GSA Schedules: The Good, Bad, and Ugly
Newcomers to the federal market usually have no idea of the advantages and disadvantages of holding a GSA Schedule contract. For newcomers schedules are essential to success in federal contracting.
The Good
- Schedules are always open for a company to submit a proposal, unlike other multiple award contracts.
- Schedules are available for almost all commercial products and services.
- Schedules reduce competition to almost nothing if used correctly with a federal sales program.
- Schedules can be used by any federal agency to place orders.
The Bad
- You have to invest dollars in submitting a proposal.
- You have to invest dollars in a federal sales program and use schedules to close a deal.
- You have to comply with a number of red tape requirements to keep your schedule in compliance with the contract.
The Ugly
- Preparing a proposal for a schedule is nearly impossible without schedule experience.
- GSA requires a rats nest of red tape and pricing information (100 pages or more) to prove to federal auditors and the public that you are worthy of a schedule award.
- GSA is becoming pickier by the day about who they award to because they already have many thousands of companies holding schedule.
The most affordable and best way to be assured a GSA schedule award to use Fedmarket's GSA at Your Office service.
Richard White, author of The Shortest Path to Federal Dollars:GSA Schedules, has 18 years of GSA experience. Mr. White will visit your office for a full day after he assists you by telephone and email in developing the documents necessary for the proposal.
Call (301) 960 - 5817 for more information.
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