GSA eOffer

The General Services Administration ("GSA") recently launched eOffer, an online tool developed for use in the GSA schedules programs. GSA's goal in making eOffer available to the public was to simplify the process of submitting a GSA schedule offer and to reduce the paperwork associated therewith. eOffer is currently available only under GSA Schedule 70, the information technology schedule. Three (3) more GSA Schedules, Financial and Business Services (520), Professional Engineering Services (871), and Advertising and Integrated Marketing Solutions (541), will hopefully be on board with eOffer by the end of 2004.

In July of 2004, GSA made its latest online tool, eMod, available for use by the public. GSA schedule contractors may use eMod to modify their existing GSA schedule contracts. For example, a company may use eMod to submit price, product or service modifications to its schedule contract. Unlike eOffer, eMod is available for use for all of the GSA schedule solicitations.

eOffer represents a significant step forward in making it easier for companies to submit proposals for GSA Schedule contracts. However, many do not have a full understanding of how it works. eOffer provides users with a simple and efficient method to submit offers electronically. eOffer also eliminates the necessity for original, written signatures. In essence, eOffer allows companies to prepare and electronically submit the administrative data required by GSA. An offeror may also use eOffer to submit the remaining parts of their offer to GSA. On the other hand, eOffer does not assist users in preparing the corporate experience and pricing sections of a GSA offer nor does it assist in the preparation of any attachments. Companies submitting offers must still follow the provisions of the applicable Request for Proposal ("RFP") and develop their own documents as specified by the RFP (See Step 3 below).

A summary of GSA's guidelines for the use of eOffer is as follows:

  • Step 1 - Download and read the solicitation from FebBizOpps.
  • Step 2 - Obtain a digital certificate. Digital certificates are assigned on an individual basis and not at a company level. As a result, each employee using eOffer will have to obtain his own certificate. The price for a digital certificate ranges between $90 to $119 (depending on the vendor you elect to use).
  • Step 3 - Create the required attachments, volumes, price lists, etc. based on the solicitation's requirements.
  • Step 4 - Log on to eOffer and submit your proposal electronically.

Note that some of the current GSA schedules allow for proposal submission by email, including the Schedule 70 (Information Technology) solicitation currently supported by eOffer. Using email allows you to submit electronically without a digital certificate but you have to submit a signature page by fax, US Mail, or a delivery service.

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