Implement Version Control

In a recent installment "Solving the Proposal Dilemma," we recommended that you automate and "version control" your old proposals and Management Plan boilerplate. Your proposal manager can do this but management must invest in effective software and staff support to accomplish the task. Version control is essential to an effective proposal process. Old proposals are invaluable tools for use in preparing new proposals. The availability of Management Plan and Technical Approach boilerplate can save hundreds of hours of writing time for a large proposal. Versions of proposals should be controlled using a proposal database. Completely-assembled versions of a proposal (first, second, and final drafts) should be entered into the proposal database.

Draft versions of chapters (and sections of a chapter) are too dynamic to be controlled effectively using the proposal database. The versions resulting from writing and rewriting individual chapters should be controlled by individual writers using Microsoft Windows Folders and standard conventions for naming files. Individual writers should name their chapter files (and sections of a chapter) as shown below.


Sample File Name:


(or use your company's established system for naming files)

Completed chapter content should be sent to the Proposal Manager and filed in Windows folders by proposal name, chapter name and chapter section. The Proposal Manager should use Word to (i) assemble the first and second drafts of the proposal, (ii) receive and assign review tasks, and (iii) assemble and distribute all content.

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