Incentivize Your Proposal Manger and Key Solution Writers

Proposal writing usually creates a lot of uncompensated night and weekend work. Invariably a few selected people can write creative solutions and the creative people are asked over and over to write their magical solution content. If it isn't magical, they shouldn't be asked to write.

Consider creating a quarterly bonus program with cash bonuses for both winning and losing efforts, more for the winners of course. Compensation for losers helps to keep then coming back for more and at the same time incentivize management to write fewer losers and more winners. Lunches, praise, and encouragement by management coupled with the cold cash may even cause people to want to write proposals.

Also consider creating a special position for the very best solution writers with a higher salary than they might normally receive; senior technical architect or something similar.

The proposal manager position is a company can make or break a company. The proposal manager is under the gun on all proposals so they need to be well compensated to start. Then an annual bonus program can help to keep them from going next door if they are outstanding managers.

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