Jobs, Jobs, Jobs Quickly
Job creation is at the center of the Obama administration's stimulus package. The focus on rapid job creation is discussed in the press daily.
The stimulus package includes both state and local infrastructure projects and projects to upgrade the energy efficiency of federal facilities. The amount of dollars in the stimulus package for these two types of projects are not yet known but should be established in the next several weeks.
Infrastructure projects will generate jobs quickly if the planning and design work has been done, and the projects are funding ready. Those projects that aren't funding ready will create jobs for architectural and engineering firms but not to the extent as actual construction and facility improvement projects at the state and local level.
Federal energy efficiency projects can create jobs more rapidly because these types of projects are typically performed by federal contractors holding multi-vendor contracts like the 03 FAC GSA Schedule for Facility Maintenance and Management. Vendor pricing has already been negotiated and a federal agency need only issue a task order against the existing contract. Task order contracting can be accomplished in a matter of weeks as opposed to typical federal, state, and local procurement lead times of 6 - 9 months.
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