Learn to Play the Federal Sales Game Like an Insider
How do you play a game where the rules are stacked in favor of insiders? Learn to stack the deck for yourself or don't play.
Playing in the federal market is a game in the same sense that selling in the commercial market is a game. To play successfully you must study the written rules, figure out the unwritten strategies, get burned a few times, and win a few times. This takes time, money, and patience.
Let's assume that you are a commercial company or a start-up and you have decided to enter the federal market. First, you should determine whether your company is willing to make the required investment in a full-time federal salesperson. Federal sales people need to immerse themselves in the sales process to learn the rules of the game. Then ask yourself if you have the patience to wait 6 months or more for that salesperson to produce revenue.
Corporate management must understand that it cannot dump a federal sales initiative on an overworked commercial sales staff and expect results. Although it is possible for an owner or principal of a small business to handle a company's federal sales program, don't fool yourself into thinking that a significant investment commensurate with your company size isn't required. The person tasked with federal sales cannot dabble part-time in the endeavor and think that results will magically materialize.
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