New Women Owned-Small Business Posts $2.5 Million!

United MedEvac Solutions, Inc., (UMS), was formed in April 2005 as a Women-Owned Small Business by Danielle "DeDe" Wilson (President) and Larry W. Case (Vice President) as a result of an immediate need for Ft. Hood's on base air medical coverage. This was the start of UMS posting 2.5 million in business their first year.

Prior to forming UMS, DeDe Wilson states she was Program Development and Customer Relations Supervisor for the local air medical provider, STAT Air. In this position, she attended Fort Hood's Industry Day. As the implementation service date neared, she was informed that her hospital administration would not be interested in pursuing this interim government-based contract.

Recognizing the vast opportunity, she and close friend, Larry Case, seized the moment and launched a start-up business. UMS made the most of established professional relationships and also new ones fostered during the solicitation process. They said they pounded the proverbial pavement to assemble key alliances. Among those alliances was Rem MacNealy, Vice President Aviation for Systems, Studies, and Simulations, Inc. (S3). "S3, an established and recently featured GovExec Magazine Top 10 8a Women-Owned Small Business were willing to walk us through the complexity of government contracting while UMS provided the expertise in the field of air medicine." acknowledged DeDe.

"After our proposal was accepted, our new team had 5 days over Memorial Day weekend in 2005 to interview, hire, and train employees. We also had to procure all advanced medical equipment and supplies to begin MEDEVAC operations," says Ms. Wilson. "Our team members have served many years at various levels in both private and governmental air medical programs and have a clear perspective of the specifics in serving high-profile clientele. In this industry, everybody is your customer, not just your patient.

At that time, eight full-time, eight PRN flight personnel, and six full-time office personnel rapidly rallied together to respond to the urgent need of the armed services. "We were blessed with the opportunity to support those whom risk their lives everyday to keep our lives safe." The initial effort was an interim contract only, but UMS employees enthusiastically took a leap of faith and quit their full-time civilian jobs just to be a part in sustaining our troops. In closing, Ms. Wilson says "It is truly amazing what can be accomplished when no one cares who is getting the credit.. our success is due to Vision, Innovation, and Teamwork."

UMS' Chief Operating Officer Ronny Wilson said all their hard work paid off over the past few months after UMS' original interim subcontract (123 days) was extended to one year and has now matured into a five-year commitment. "Our aptitude in the areas of aviation, critical care/emergency medicine, nursing/pre-hospital services and business finance safeguards our premiere military MEDEVAC service for our nation's armed forces," said Ronny.

As his 30-second commercial, Ronny said, "We bring the emergency room to the wounded soldiers' side regardless of the environment or terrain. UMS' air response times rival national average response times in the civilian market. We utilize dual pilots, Night Vision Goggles (NVG's) and a spectrum of aerial rescue services including hoist operations, all unique to the civilian air medical industry."

Ronny attended all of's classes at the Federal Sales Academy in Bethesda, MD and shared his success story in support of the thought that their company never sold to an agency or base....they sold to people with a problem which needed a solution.

When asked what techniques he learned from the Fedmarket Federal Sales 101, Writing and Managing Winning Proposal and Capture Planning classes, Ronny said, "UMS will use our knack for building meaningful relationships and not waste corporate time and money bidding on contracts written by other competitors. We now understand the need to disband comfortable molds that exist sitting in the office next to the computer. An electronic (computer) relationship is an obstacle to understanding the customer and their needs. Creatively avoiding the customer, due to technology or other means is just plain senseless, especially when contemplating the future growth and sustainability of our company. As Fedmarket says, get to the end user and fix their pains. That is UMS in a nutshell. We fix pain. UMS will leverage current relationships, look at other bases, their contracting offices and end users as well develop a focused effort on building relations with large Prime contractors."

For information on United MedEvac Solutions, Inc., contact Ronny Wilson, Chief Operating Officer at (254) 680-7111 or check out their website at:

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