Selling IT Business Opportunities Under the E-Government Act of 2002
- $45,000,000 for fiscal year 2003
- $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2004
- $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2005
- $150,000,000 for fiscal year 2006
What is the scope of the E-Government Act? Simply put, if a project goes across agencies and involves Web enabledment, it probably falls under the Act.
The Act has created a number of huge sales opportunities, most of which fall under the following general categories:
Electronic Signatures
$8 million has been authorized for FY2003 for GSA to develop and operate of a federal bridge certification authority for digital signature compatibility.
Federal Internet Portal
$15 million has been authorized for FY2003 for GSA to develop a federal-wide Internet portal.
Federal Courts Websites
The Act says that each federal court shall develop a comprehensive website within two years (roughly by the end of CY 2004). Access to documents filed in electronic form shall be completed in 4 years. The Act did not authorize funds for court websites.
Regulatory Agency Web Sites
The Act states that regulatory agencies must ensure that a publicly-accessible website is available that includes all information the agency is required to be published in the Federal Register.
The Act did not authorized dollar for regulatory agency websites or establish a timetable for implementation.
Accessibility, Usability, and Preservation of Information
The Act requires that all federal, usability, privacy, security, and accessibility standards be met is developing e-government systems.
The Act authorized $2,000,000 in each Fiscal Year 2003 through 2005 for a public domain directory and a R&D repository.
Pilot Projects
OEG will designate a series of no more than 5 pilot projects that integrate data elements and demonstrate the integration and interoperability of federal information systems.
Crisis Management through Advanced Information Technology
With FEMA OEG will ensure that a study is conducted on using information technology to enhance crisis preparedness, response, and consequence management of natural and man-made disasters (within 90 days).
Disparities in Internet Access
The National Academy of Sciences will enter into a contract to conduct a study on disparities in Internet access for online Government services (within 90 days).
FY 2003 authorization for the contract: $950,000.
These projects authorized by the Act do not have funding yet, but will probably materialize in one form or the other over the next several years.
We would not suggest approaching OEG directly with your e-government project proposals. Instead, sell a lead agency (with funding), bring in several other agencies (with funding), and then approach OEG for more funding with the backing of the agencies.
Easier said than done, of course, but in the world of across-agency IT development, you should set your sites high.
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