The 50 Shades of Gray of Government Contracting

50 shades of gray exist in all walks of life, including government contracts. Newcomers to the federal market are often perplexed when they cannot get clear-cut answers to the following questions.

Some of the questions may have answers but the answers will vary depending on whom you ask. Other questions are unanswerable and others are answerable but the government chooses not to answer them. And some of these questions would require hours of explanation, that is  if the government person you asked actually happened to know the answer.

At Fedmarket we can provide you with answers and explain why the government won't give you answers. Call us today at 888 661 4094, Ext.2.  Or check out our free content, and free eBooks for answers and explanations to your government contracting questions.

Welcome to the world of government contracting.

  1. What is a small business?
  2. What is a large business?
  3. What performance grade did this contractor receive?
  4. Is what this contractor did worthy of debarment?
  5. How may points should we assign to the company's technical approach?
  6. How may points should we assign to the company's management plan?
  7. How may points should we assign to the key person's resume?
  8. How many points should we assign to the company's corporate experience?
  9. Where should we place the cut-off line in determining the technical zone of consideration?
  10. We asked for five corporate experience summaries but they only submitted four? Should we reject their proposal?
  11. What is the contractor's warranty worth in best value evaluation of prices?
  12. Is this majority shareholders ethnicity "x" enough to make the company economically disadvantaged?
  13. Should we cancel this vendors GSA schedule contract due to lack of sales?
  14. Is this contractor's price fair and reasonable?
  15. Is this contractor's price unbalanced?
  16. How many contractors should we select under this multiple award schedule contract?
  17. Is a technical score point differential of "x" worth awarding at a higher price "y"?
  18. Is this contractor "responsible"?
  19. We put a page limit of 20 pages for the technical approach but they sent us 21; should we disqualify them?
  20. What about 25 pages when we said 20?
  21. They say they arrived at the gate at 4:58 but the guard was in the rest room; should we accept their proposal?
  22. The agency is not following their own version of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)? What should we do?
  23. Should we protest the award?
  24. What are our chances of winning the protest?
  25. They are stonewalling us on a debriefing; what should we do?
  26. Are they telling us the truth in the debriefing?
  27. How many contractors have met with you to discuss thus opportunity?
  28. What do you think of the performance of the incumbent contractor?
  29. Will you give me the name of an end user with a need and money to satisfy the need?
  30. Do you have a preference for large businesses?
  31. Will you meet with me to discuss your needs?
  32. We have 500 contractors on this GSA schedule; should we close it out or get tougher in our evaluations?
  33. What is the status of my GSA offer?
  34. Have you have time to consider my proposed contract modification?
  35. Will you help me clarify a solicitation requirement?
  36. May a product be on more than one GSA schedule contract at different prices?
  37. Will you consider setting aside this requirement for small businesses?
  38. The proposal is due tomorrow and I have a question about pricing; can you help me?
  39. Can you send me a copy of a contract without my having to go through the FOIA process?
  40. Is Company A's proposal available under FOIA?
  41. When is the RFP coming out?
  42. I have been waiting for the documents I requested under FOIA for six months; can you help me?
  43. Will I meet any end users with a need and money to spend at the upcoming small business conference?
  44. Are you contemplating an extension to the proposal due date?
  45. How many awards are you planning to make under the multiple award schedule contract?
  46. What are the planned expenditures under the multiple award contract?
  47. Who has sold what and to whom under the multiple award contact?
  48. What is the buying history for want we sell including contact information for the vendor, end-user, and contacting officer?
  49. Can you help me meet with an end-user for what I sell?
  50. Can you provide me with a complete forecast of what you are planning to buy next year?

At Fedmarket we can provide you with answers and explain why the government won't give you answers. Call us today at 888 661 4094, Ext.2.

888-661-4094, Ext 2.

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