The Customer is the Key to Winning Proposals
Most successful federal contractors understand relationship sales and sell the customer before writing customer driven, defensive proposals. Yet we hear over and over: "we are new and they won't meet with us". Many vendors new to the market turn to responding to public bids with no customer contact. A big mistake unless you like writing losing tomes.
Unfortunately, it is a tough market with a thick glass wall and you have to figure out a way to get through or around the wall. The other ways usually do not include the small business specialist, your congressperson, or even the Contracting Office. Their agendas are not your agenda and to think they are will divert you from the tough task of getting through the wall.
Ways of getting in front of end users (procurement decision makers) could include working through:
A prime contractor that is using you as a subcontractor (walk carefully here; they don't like subcontractors that steal their thunder).
A business partner that knows federal end users and owes you a favor; ideally a favor that you can return.
A friend or acquaintance that can help you set up a meeting through their relationship with end users.
Attendance at professional conferences and events can be helpful if they are small and focused.
You should pursue these indirect routes but not at the expense of direct sales calls. Although often discouraging, it's still the best way to make a sale. Write white papers, be persistent, and beg if necessary. End users are supposed to be open to discussions with all vendors and you will ultimately get through the wall.
Small business set asides work form the top down. In other words, they are set aside because the rules say that there must be set asides. Reminding end users and Contracting Officers that they should set aside specific procurements or grease the skids for a particular small business can often be counter productive. It is not the best way to get through the wall.
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