The Gulf Oil Spill and GSA Schedules

So you don't have a GSA Schedule and are wondering if a schedule would help you win gulf oil spill contracts. First, which schedule(s) may be used to assist in the cleanup effort?

Heavy Use

  • 899 Environmental Services, SIN 899 8 Remediation and Reclamation Services
  • 84 Total Solutions for Law Enforcement: This is the schedule for the illusive containment booms, and the 84 schedule can be used by state and local governments.
  • 56 Buildings and Building Materials/Industrial Services and Supplies

General Use to Assist in Planning and Managing the Cleanup Effort

  • 874 V Logistics Worldwide (Logworld)
  • 874 Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS)
  • 70 General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment, Software, and Services
  • 520 Financial and Business Solutions (FABS)

Obtaining a GSA schedule can take six months. However, the gulf cleanup will take years. And what about the next disaster? Don't be caught in the position of saying "I wish we had a GSA schedule" when the next disaster hits.

Fedmarket can help you complete your GSA proposal. Here's how:

Virtual eLab
If your calendar just does not permit you to get out during the times we offer our eLabs, but you want to complete one, we have a new alternative. Our Virtual eLab allows you to have the same attention and same accomplishment while working from your home office. We have devised a two-week collaborative process utilizing online technologies and teleconferencing to get the job done. Learn more about this alternative.

Already have a GSA schedule? Make the most of it with Fedmarket's Direct Marketing Services. Get the inside edge from the leaders in federal sales.

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