The Holiday Season and its Effect on Federal Sales

Making new sales to the federal government during the holiday season can be problematic at best. Many federal buyers take leave during this time so it is therefore difficult, if not impossible, to make sales calls to new buyers. Since most agencies do not have their fiscal year 2004 budget authorization prior to the end of the year, federal buyers are also hesitant to make purchases over the holidays. If you are a commissioned sales person and must make calls during this time, lower your expectations concerning your chances for success. The following are suggestions on how you may best utilize your time during the slow period accompanying the holiday season:

  • Use the holidays to further cement the relationships you already have. Make personal calls to, or stop by for a chat with, your existing federal customers. Let the customers know you appreciate their business and look forward to doing business with them in 2004.
  • Even if you buck the odds and make contact with a new customer, he or she will not be focused on business. Use your time instead to catch up on office tasks you have been postponing. Hopefully, you will then be prepared to go forward with an aggressive sales strategy after the holiday season ends.

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