The Reality of Direct Sales to Government
In our monthly federal sales seminars, some attendees openly rebel against the suggestion that they should be making direct sales calls. Those disbelievers say to the speaker, "there must be a better way." The reality is that there is not a better way. Although direct sales to federal end users work best for companies with technology-based products and services, all those hoping to do business with the federal government are eventually going to have to make them.
Common Tactics Employed to Avoid Making Direct Sales Calls:
- Asking your Congress person or various agency-designated, small business
representatives for assistance.
- Going to trade shows and government-sponsored conferences.
- Contacting prime contractors or contracting officers to advise them that you
are a small or disadvantaged business looking for work.
- Attempting to sell your product or service to prime contractors without
first having pre-sold to a federal buyer.
- Contacting other businesses with a proposal to team together on a business opportunity.
Suggested Alternate Approaches:
- Doing internet-based research and making phone calls to determine which
government agencies are buying the product or services your company is trying to
- Asking contracting officers and contracting specialists for (i) information on the types of products and services their agency has bought in the past, and (ii) contact information for those end users in their agency who have bought what you sell.
We are not suggesting that the aforementioned processes will be easy. Callers often find that those persons they contact are reluctant to help out. However, you must do the necessary legwork in order to increase your likelihood of success. Your sales people should be prepared for rejection. Then again, rejection is common in the commercial marketplace so federal sales are really no different.
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