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Proposal Writing (Base Service)

Fedmarket's Structured System for Writing Compliant and Compelling Proposals

Fedmarket's Base Services offering uses your RFP as the basis for building a detailed draft proposal. The draft proposal development process is as follows:

  1. At the start of every proposal writing project we deconstruct the RFP. We review the proposal, sentence by sentence, and build a complete proposal outline that addresses each proposal requirement, important terms, and conditions.
  2. Add the content of every RFP amendment to the outline.
  3. Add instructions, customer notes, and draft solutions to the outline (as available) and add available content from our repository of model proposal content.
  4. Send the draft proposal (expanded outline from steps 2 & 3) to the customer with instructions showing proposal information that must be inserted into the draft proposal before submittal.
This engagement concludes upon delivery of draft proposal to customer.  Customers who find the draft proposal insertion process difficult may upgrade to full service by requesting a full-service quote. The base-service amount paid will be credited toward the full-service proposal quote.

Call 301-960-5817 for more information.

Proposal Writing (Base Service) $575


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