Best Value: A Sales Person's Dream

In a previous installment we discussed the rules governing GSA schedules that encourage "Best Value" selection of vendors. Best value considerations include:

  • Special features

  • Trade-in considerations

  • System life

  • Warranty

  • Maintenance availability

  • Past performance

  • Environmental and energy efficiency

Other factors

In applying best value standards, federal buyers need only:

  • Review GSA schedule prices at GSA Advantage or

  • Review at least three GSA vendor's price lists.

If the buyer does not select the lowest price, they only need to provide a "reasonable basis" for selection.

Sales people using GSA schedules need to help buyers recognize the merits of a service or product in order to make a sale based on Best Value. Put the "reasonable basis" in front of their faces. Develop a Best Value Statement and provide it to buyers.

This is commercial buying at its essence. What more could a federal sales person want except maybe a sole source buy with no questions asked?

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