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Fedmarket helps you add/remove products, services and Special Item numbers (SINs), update your pricing, or otherwise amend your GSA Schedule contract with minimal headaches


  • End up with a fully up-to-date GSA Schedule contract
  • Avoid common - and costly - mistakes that occur in the GSA Schedule world
  • Meet GSA's requirements first time around
  • Discuss and understand ramifications to your contract
  • Avoid confusing GSA details that are holding you back
  • Avoid time-intensive back-and-forth with GSA
  • Complete your modification more quickly than you would be able to do on your own
  • Avoid leaving money on the table with what is likely to be one of your largest customers
  • Be sure you are addressing all GSA requirements
  • Avoid starting your GSA Schedule contract compliance from scratch


  • Proven methodology to process modifications
  • Experienced GSA specialists at your fingertips
  • Authorized agency relationship
  • Familiarity with individual contracting offices at GSA and their idiosyncrasies
  • Thorough understanding of applicable legislation and regulations
Fedmarket helps you add/remove products, services and Special Item numbers (SINs), update your pricing, or otherwise amend your GSA Schedule contract with minimal headaches.

Call (208) 720-9168 for pricing.

GSA Contract Modification

A properly managed GSA modification can save you time and bring your GSA contract up-to-date and into compliance with minimal headaches. Fedmarket's GSA specialists have the expertise and experience in the GSA arena gained over years of working with hundreds of schedule contracts. We put this experience to work for you in getting your GSA Schedule contract modification processed efficiently and effectively.

The Fedmarket sales team works with you to determine which modifications you want to apply to your contract. During the course of this interaction, Fedmarket gathers information from you about the specific changes to be made. As part of the sales process, Fedmarket's GSA specialists determine what will be required for the modification by consulting solicitation documents and GSA contracting officers.This allows Fedmarket to provide you with a firm fixed price quote to complete the modification for you.

After you engage Fedmarket, a GSA specialist is assigned to manage your modification. The Fedmarket GSA specialist requests information and documentation from you that will be used to create the necessary documents. A letter establishing Fedmarket as an authorized agent to act on your behalf is submitted to GSA so that Fedmarket may interact with your contracting officer to expedite the modification. Fedmarket does not retain the ability to bind your organization, just to transact on your behalf.

The Fedmarket GSA specialist compiles the compliant modification package and submits it to GSA. If applicable, prices are negotiated with GSA with your participation, if you prefer. Once the complete modification process is complete, you are presented with all updated contractual information for signature and acceptance.

Across all GSA Schedules, Fedmarket regularly assists company with the following types of modifications:

  • Adding/deleting products or services
  • Adding/deleting Special Item Numbers (SINs)
  • Price increases or decreases
  • Administrative changes and updates
  • Contract amendments
  • Re-representation of small business size
  • Change or transfer of ownership
  • Evergreen service (when the Government exercises GSA Schedule contract options)

How We are Different

As the expert in GSA Schedule contracts, Fedmarket has years of experience working with GSA contracting officers and have dealt with all types of GSA issues. The proven system for processing modifications is able to meet GSA's requirements and expectations first time around.

Fedmarket's extensive experience working with contracting officers offers you the knowledge and skills to help push your modification through the process more quickly than you would be able to do on your own.

Because of this, Fedmarket can apply its expertise to your unique situation, advise you on the process, collect your information, and get started on your modification right away.

GSA Modifications Particular Challenges

Four additional aspects of GSA modifications make it particularly difficult for organizations to complete them without assistance:

  1. The modification requirements vary by schedule, and each contracting officer has a different process for how he or she wants it done.
  2. More and more schedules are requiring use of the eMod system, which is confusing and requires a digital certificate that can take 3-6 weeks to obtain.
  3. Even if you have successfully written your GSA proposal, the modification process is still unknown and can involve a new level of working with GSA.
  4. It can be difficult to get GSA to process your modification quickly; this is where Fedmarket's experience working with contracting officers can be a great benefit to you.

GSA Modifications Methodology

Fedmarket GSA specialists lead successful modifications by:

  • Working with Contracting Officers, many of whom Fedmarket knows because of the range of GSA services it provides
  • Determining the nature of the requirements for your particular modification
  • Submitting a fully compliant and complete modification proposal to GSA
  • Following up with the Contracting Officer on any issues during the processing of the modification
  • Negotiating prices for new items and services as necessary
  • Navigating the confusing GSA eMod system
GSA Contract Modification$2,000


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