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Get answers from GSA experts for all your GSA contract questions.

GSA Reviews, Modifications, and Renewals

Fedmarket's core business is GSA Schedules. Over the past decade we have helped thousands of companies successfully apply, win and maintain their GSA schedule contracts.

Fedmarket's extensive experience working with GSA contracting officers offers you the knowledge and skills to complete your GSA proposal reviews, contract modifications and contract renewals.

Fedmarket will apply its expertise to your unique situation, advise you on the process, collect your information, and get started on your modification or renewal right away.

Across all GSA Schedules, Fedmarket regularly assists company with the following types of modifications:

  • Adding/deleting products or services
  • Adding/deleting Special Item Numbers (SINs)
  • Price increases or decreases
  • Administrative changes and updates
  • Contract amendments
  • Re-representation of small business size
  • Change or transfer of ownership
  • Evergreen service (when the Government exercises GSA Schedule contract options) {RENEWAL}

GSA Proposal Review - Fedmarket takes your incomplete or rejected GSA schedule proposal and transforms it into a proposal written to win a GSA Schedule contract award.

Other GSA Consulting Services Offered:

Upload to GSA Advantage! - Leave the hassle and headache of uploading to us, uploads available for all products and services. Fedmarket complies with all GSA EDI and GSA SIP formatting procedures.

GSA Contract Compliance - The goal of the GSA Compliance System is to protect your organization from adverse audit consequences arising from non-compliance with GSA Schedule contract provisions. The GSA Compliance System is implemented with the assistance of Fedmarket GSA specialists. Fedmarket will assist your organization in implementing specific policies, procedures, and systems for the following compliance functions.

GSA Consulting Services$250


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