GSA Schedule Compliance: Small Biz and the GSA

Why not encourage and support small business participation in GSA Schedule contracting by loosening the experience and number-of-years-in-business requirements somewhat? Why not have 100,000 GSA Schedule holders rather than fewer than 20,000? Why not fund and train the over 200 Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTACs) across the country to assist small businesses in obtaining a GSA Schedule?

GSA is conflicted about encouraging small businesses. Increased participation of small businesses would increase Industrial Funding Fees, but not by much, and not in direct proportion to the increase in Schedule holders- and thus paperwork. The current, mostly paper-based Schedule submission/evaluation/negotiation processing system can barely handle the number of offers now.

"We have lost your paperwork; would you please resubmit your offer?" is not an uncommon communication to vendors who have submitted an offer. GSA lawyers still prefer paper over electronic submissions, and are a drag on significant automation improvements.

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