Refined Legacy Content Versus Boilerplate
Refined legacy content just seems like a better and more sophisticated term than boiler plate. Our definition of boilerplate is proposal content that you pulled off the server and slapped in the proposal. Our definition of refined legacy content is corporate knowledge base material that is so refined for the particular proposal that is unrecognizable from original proposal material. Making legacy content so tailored that it appears original can result is better proposal content than if writers start with a blank page. Starting with well written and creative legacy content helps writers overcome writer's block and allows them to refine and enhance the content even more for the current proposal. At the same time the corporate knowledge base is further improved for the next proposal.
Legacy content (corporate knowledgebase) includes:
Boilerplate is a resume that you didn't have time to finely tune to the Request for Proposal requirements. Refined legacy content is the same resume re-written to make the person fit the proposal needs as much as possible. Boilerplate is a corporate qualification used off-the-shelf. Refined legacy content is the same qualification statement re-written to bring out the contract tasks that were the same or similar to the RFP tasks. Refines solution content is a help desk function re-written to make it read like the customer's current help desk function but more effective performed at lower costs.
Don't reinvent the wheel, make it a better wheel. Use a structured outline and writing process. Don't neglect any aspect of the proposal. Rewrite everything to fit the customer's requirements. Start early enough to not have to compromise.
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