Refining the Proposal Outline

Step one to developing an effective proposal outline begins with the deconstruction of the Request for Proposal (RFP).

Step two in the outlining process is to expand/refine the outline. Experienced proposal writers continue to expand their outline until the outline itself becomes the first draft of their proposal. With the help of the sales and subject matter people, an experienced proposal manager can expand/refine the proposal outline for all chapters except the technical approach.

The technical approach is where the going gets tough. A winning technical approach can be developed several ways:
  • Assign it to the pro (the person who has written winners in the past). Armed with the general outline, this person can write it from scratch or use his/her technical staff to write it.
  • Assign it in pieces to individual subject matter specialists and have the proposal manager coordinate and edit their work.
The proposal manager can assist multiple subject matter writers by:
  • Holding storyboard development meetings with all of the subject matter writers
  • Supplying writers with writing templates, models of first draft material already completed, and examples of successful proposal material written earlier
  • Working with them one-on-one and critiquing their draft material
  • All of the above
Writing the technical approach is not easy so start early and try to avoid the almost inevitable last minute crisis.

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